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Intervju 3 quick ones

: 2024-10-25

3 quick questions for Marit Sarri, STF's mountain station manager, about avalanche safety. She is area manager North for STF. This means Abisko, Kebnekaise and Saltoluokta. She has been raised in STF in Nikkaluokta since childhood. Her favorite place in the mountains is Ladjuvagge with the Kebnekaise massif as background.

How long has STF informed about avalanche safety?

Previously, it was unclear to our guests who was responsible for avalanche information and who was responsible for trails. When the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency introduced avalanche forecasts, it created the necessary clarity and quality. The fact that it was an authority behind it added weight.

Current avalanche forecasts are always available in the covered mountain facilities. Many guests want advice on how to travel safely. It is important, not least in high alpine terrain.

In the Kebnekaise mountain station, we sit at the same breakfast table as the avalanche forecasting field organization that makes the daily observations. Being able to ask them directly is a luxury.

How does STF assess that avalanche and mountain safety is affected by climate change?

We see clear evidence of the change all the time. Perhaps the most famous example happened a few years ago when Kebnekaise's northern peak became Sweden's highest peak instead of, as before, the southern peak. This made many visitors want to do a demanding ridge walk between the two peaks.


We live daily with climate change in front of our eyes. Both we and the guests must become more sustainable. We need to act long-term and in a sustainable way.

Are there any challenges from STF's perspective with avalanche information, if so what?

It is important that the information is balanced and easy to understand. Guests must also understand that when it is spoken of as high avalanche danger within a defined area, this warning does not apply to the entire mountain chain. We want to contribute to helping guests make wise decisions based on activity, not to be intimidated. At the same time, it is important to talk about the special conditions that apply in the mountains with rapid weather changes that can change the conditions for a stay in an instant.
